Your destination. Your visitors. Don’t you want a Visitor Profile that addresses your questions?
SMARInsights has developed a modern approach to providing destinations with custom research to understand who visits, how much they spend, what they do during their trips, and their image and perceptions of the destination. Because our Visitor Profile research is customized for you, we can also assess what motivated the trip and other questions specific to your marketing needs.
Our methodology uses geolocation data to identify your origin markets and the geographic distribution of visitors to your destination. We conduct online surveys using opted in panel respondents, carefully managing sample and responses to represent your visitor population.
DMO-owned lists of potential visitors can also be used to identify potential visitors to enrich the sample. Of course, we recognize that these sample sources can be highly skewed – as a result they are treated differently in the analysis and weighted to be reflective of their population segment. This approach achieves larger sample sizes of visitors to support spending calculations.
SMARInsights uses multivariate statistical procedures to analyze motivations and drivers and develop a more accurate, in-depth analysis of the decision process. With our Visitor Profile methodology, we gather information about past visitation, activities, perceptions, and other details of trips. In addition, respondents can be queried about awareness of the destination and its marketing efforts. Respondents can be shown pictures, ads, and other stimuli to help evoke more complete and meaningful answers.
SMARInsights' team of professional researchers and former DMO executives deliver quality custom research for destinations and attractions of all types and sizes. But, more than that, we take a partnership approach with each of our clients to understand the business questions they are answering so that the data collection and the reporting informs decisions and connects with stakeholders. When this business focus is applied to Visitor Profile research, it provides uniquely targeted information to guide destination promotion and management decisions.
The Historic Triangle is an area that includes several attractions and the area around Williamsburg,Virginia. The area includes a number of historic sites – Colonial Williamsburg, Jamestown Settlement, the Yorktown Victory Center – as well as other attractions including Busch Gardens Williamsburg and outlet shopping. In implementing the on-going marketing of the area, it is critical to understand visitor patterns, which attractions are grouped together, the different segments of visitors as well as information regarding the key drivers of visitation – and repeat visitation.
As part of an overall visitor profile study, SMARInsights also used geo-fencing to identify and survey visitors while they were in the area. The survey asked people to complete a daily diary and to include a picture of their favorite part of the experience for that day. These data were then combined with traditional survey data to explore specific issues and better understand visitor patterns.
The results helped inform the visitor segmentation effort SMARInsights developed based on the survey data to create targeted messaging and promotions for targeted segments.